How Hunger Handoff Turned Football Fumbles into Sales Wins

Snickers Hunger Handoff was a creative promotional campaign designed to engage NFL fans and increase brand sales. The campaign featured weekly Hunger Handoff penalties, where fans could get a free Snickers bar if flags were thrown during the game. The campaign targeted young men between 20-35 years old and was primarily executed on social media platforms.

The Challenge:

The challenge was to increase Snickers brand sales and volume by engaging with NFL fans in a fun and memorable way. The campaign needed to stand out in a crowded market and be relevant to the target audience. The challenge was to create a campaign that not only engaged with fans but also drove sales and revenue for the brand.


The solution was to create a unique and memorable campaign that leveraged the passion of NFL fans. The Hunger Handoff campaign was designed to reward fans for the on-field mistakes of their favorite players with a free Snickers bar. By leveraging social media platforms, the campaign created a buzz around the brand and incentivized fans to engage with the promotion. The campaign also incorporated a range of mediums including branded content, interactive/online, mobile/tablet, packaging, and sponsorship to reach a wider audience.


The Hunger Handoff campaign was a resounding success, with Snickers achieving a net lift of 2.28% or almost $15 million in sales compared to the previous year's season. The campaign also increased total national brand sales by 50% every Tuesday after a Hunger Play occurred. By intercepting NFL fandom and turning social engagements into sales, the campaign delivered on its objectives of increasing sales and volume, and engaging with a younger demographic of fans.