10 Proven Tactics to Improve Your B2B Discovery Calls and Drive More Sales

As a B2B sales professional, you understand the importance of discovery calls in the sales process. Not only do they help you build rapport with potential clients, but they also provide valuable insight into their needs and pain points. However, the success of your discovery calls is largely determined by how well you engage with the prospect. In this article, we'll explore 10 strategies to help you make the most of your discovery calls and drive more sales.

1. Skip small talk about weather or sports

When starting a discovery call, it's tempting to engage in small talk about the weather or current events. While this can be a good ice breaker, it's important to remember that the primary objective of the call is to learn about the prospect's needs and pain points. Instead of small talk, consider asking about tidbits you noticed in your pre-call research. For example, you might ask about a recent company event or a personal hobby that you came across. This shows that you've done your homework and are invested in the conversation.

2. Start with "What made you want to speak with me today?"

Asking the right questions is key to a successful discovery call. One of the best ways to get the conversation started is to ask the prospect what made them want to speak with you today. This open-ended question gives the prospect the opportunity to share their needs and pain points, and it also helps you build rapport. The more you understand about their motivations, the better equipped you'll be to provide a solution that meets their needs.

3. Put yourself on mute while the other person is speaking

It's important to be fully present during a discovery call. One way to achieve this is to put yourself on mute while the other person is speaking. This helps prevent you from interrupting and ensures that you're fully focused on what the prospect is saying. Remember, you don't "discover" anything while you're talking.

4. Ditch the "History of the Company" slides

While it's important to understand the background of a potential client, a traditional history of the company presentation can quickly become boring and irrelevant. Instead, ask the prospect to give you a sense of how much they know about your company. This shows that you're interested in their perspective and helps you avoid repeating information that they may already know.

5. Use open-ended questions

Closed-ended questions (i.e. those that can be answered with a simple yes or no) stifle conversation and don't provide much insight into the prospect's needs and pain points. Instead, use open-ended questions such as "Could you tell me a little more about that?" to encourage the prospect to share more information. The more you understand about their challenges, the better equipped you'll be to provide a solution that meets their needs.

6. Avoid cheesy questions

While it may seem like a good idea to use quirky or imaginative questions to engage the prospect, these can often come across as cheesy and inauthentic. Instead, try asking questions that are more grounded in reality. For example, "I'm sure you've thought about how to fix this problem before. Could you share a little about what you thought a perfect solution would look like?" This type of question shows that you're interested in the prospect's perspective and helps you better understand their needs.

7. Focus on the prospect's pain points

The primary goal of a discovery call is to understand the prospect's needs and pain points. This information is critical to developing a solution that meets their needs and closing the sale. Therefore, it's important to focus the conversation on the prospect's pain points. Ask questions that uncover the root cause of their challenges, and listen actively to their answers. This will help you determine whether your product or service is a good fit for their needs and help you position it as the solution they're looking for.

8. Be transparent and honest

In a discovery call, it's important to be transparent and honest about your company and your product or service. Don't make false promises or oversell your offerings. Be upfront about what your product can and can't do, and be honest about any limitations. This builds trust with the prospect and sets a positive tone for future interactions.

9. Create a customized solution

Once you've understood the prospect's needs and pain points, it's time to create a customized solution. This could be a proposal or a demo that showcases how your product or service addresses their specific needs. The key is to tailor your solution to the prospect's unique requirements. This shows that you've taken the time to understand their situation and provides added value to the conversation.

10. Follow up promptly

Finally, it's important to follow up promptly after a discovery call. This could be a thank-you email or a proposal that outlines your customized solution. The key is to act quickly and continue the conversation while it's still fresh in the prospect's mind. This demonstrates your professionalism and keeps the momentum of the sales process going.

These tactics can help you improve your B2B discovery calls and drive more sales. By focusing on the prospect's needs, being transparent and honest, and following up promptly, you'll be well on your way to building stronger relationships with potential clients and closing more deals.

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